Do not underestimate the power of prayer!
Fill out the form below to submit your prayer request. Make sure you let us know how you’d like this request shared with the all other prayer warriors! Check your email and update us when God answers your prayer. All you need is a valid email address.
Remember to click on the praying hands icon to let the person know you said a prayer for them!
Prayer request undergoes a review process prior to posting. If you don’t see your request and have concerns, please contact the church office.
LJ, February 25, 2024 - 8:11 pm
Praying the blood of Jesus upon Leland & God to positively change Leland’s life, his circumstances & him to be in Alignment with Gods Will for His Glory. Praying for Leland’s mental/ physical health & he is safely enfolded in Gods care who will supply his every need w housing/employment & transportation to get on his feet. God is Able!